Day 1
Pick up at port of entry
Transport to Vasillis Studios in Kapsali
8pm Dinner at Tratamento in Kapsali

Day 2
8:30-10 Breakfast
Morning herb walk in Mitata
Afternoon swim and lunch in Paliopoli
Early evening bee farm excursion
Dinner in Avlemonas

Day 3
8:30-10 Breakfast
Morning botanical workshop
Afternoon swim and lunch at Chalkos
Early evening soap making in Aroniadika
Dinner in Karavas

Day 4
8:30-10 Breakfast
Yoga at Porta Delfino
Mid-Day practical at Elyxrysos Apothecary with lunch
Afternoon Swim at Limionas
Tea tasting
Dinner at Platanos
Movie "Juliette of the Herbs" 

Day 5
8:30-10 Breakfast
Flower essence and sage gathering
Swim at Avlemonas
Late lunch at Skandia
Evening in Xora

Day 6
8:30-10 Breakfast
Closing ceremony at followed by lunch
Free time
Evening boat ride with snorkeling at Hydra
Dinner at Kapari

Day 7
Transport to port of exit...

Some changes might be possible because of weather.